- The Calendar
- DV8 Year at a Glance
- SNL Year at a Glance
- Sunday Mornings
- Service Learning/Missions
- Fundraisers/Youth Auction
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Support Student Mission and Programs…there are many ways to get involved:
- Becoming a youth sponsor or mentor…
- Volunteer at a Service-Learning activity or on a mission trip…
- Overseeing means of youth communication…
- Photographer/ Video youth activities for youth Sundays or website…
- Writing a “who’s who column” for the newsletter…
- Participating on the Student Ministries Team (Committee)…
- Facilitating a youth activity, event or program…
- Assist with a designated project - TBD
If you have any questions about getting involved, contact Don at 503.819.2442
Become a College Intern – If you’re out of high school and want to make a difference in the lives of youth, then we hope you will consider this unique opportunity. The pay isn’t much but the benefits are quite incredible! More Information
Support our Fundraisers / Youth Auction or make a donation… (coming soon)