Southmin Presby's Students Mission and Programs

Support Student Mission and Programs…there are many ways to get involved:


  • Becoming a youth sponsor or mentor…
  • Volunteer at a Service-Learning activity or on a mission trip…
  • Overseeing means of youth communication…
  • Photographer/ Video youth activities for youth Sundays or website…
  • Writing a “who’s who column” for the newsletter…
  • Participating on the Student Ministries Team (Committee)…
  • Facilitating a youth activity, event or program…
  • Assist with a designated project - TBD


If you have any questions about getting involved, contact Don at 503.819.2442


Become a College Intern – If you’re out of high school and want to make a difference in the lives of youth, then we hope you will consider this unique opportunity.  The pay isn’t much but the benefits are quite incredible! More Information PDF


Support our Fundraisers / Youth Auction or make a donation… (coming soon)