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Welcome to Parents and Volunteers
...It takes a village…
Stay connected to students and other parents/volunteers at Southmin: Become a friend of Southmin Presby’s on Facebook
Any questions: please contact Don (Coordinator) at 503.644.2073 or 503.819.2442.
Welcome S.P.C. Parents and Volunteers (and interested adults)!
You are important to us! Below is information just for you in order to keep you updated on the purposes, procedures, and programs for Students at S.P.C., sends a monthly Youth Communique (i.e. Newsletter) by “snail-mail” (youth like receiving stuff in the mail too) and will soon be sending a monthly parent email newsletter; if you are not receiving this currently and would like to, please email Don
Want to learn more about us or fill out a permission slip (Event Flyers / Permission / Registration forms)?
Clink on the links on the left-side of this page
- Event Flyers/Registration Forms
- Background Check – Required for all Volunteers!
- Parent Involvement Form
- S.P.C. Student Mission and Ministries Philosophy / Mission Statement
- Sunday Morning (Connections and Everyday Leaders) Flow
- 40 Developmental Assets (Guides our approach)
S.P.C. Parent Support for Struggling Adolescents. If you are challenged by your adolescent or young adult’s emotional, behavioral or relational struggles, you are invited to contact us for support and counseling. Contact Jenn (school counselor at Aloha High School) at 503.329.9592 or Don (master’s-level social worker) at 503.819.2442. Periodically, support groups for parents are conducted depending on need and interest -- tell us of your interest or find out more: email Don
Get Involved with Student Mission and Programs at S.P.C.! Are you interested in being on a list to help with providing food, transportation, volunteering for events, being on the Student Ministries committee, or mentoring youth? Please email Don or call at 503.819.2442 OR check out additional ways to Support Us