Early Childhood (Godly Play)
Pre-School Children (ages 3-6) and Kindergarten children begin worship with their parents at 10:00 a.m.
After the Time with Children with one of our pastors or Children’s Ministry Coordinator, the children are dismissed to go with Staff and volunteers to Godly Play. Our Children’s ministry director will then present a lesson through story time and music. The Children will have an opportunity to interact with story, for example with finger puppets or characters, artistic expression or hands-on centers.
Snacks, such as graham crackers and apple juice are often provided before the end of class at 11:15am.
Note: Usually the worship service will end at 11:00 am. Parents are welcome to relax, socialize and join coffee hour for 15 minutes before picking up their child. Parents are also welcome to observe their children in Godly Play in a non-obtrusive manner.