We hope you can join us in 2025! Save the date: May 2-4, 2025
Click here for information about the 2025 Women’s Retreat
About the Southminster Women’s Retreat
Southminster women gather each year for a weekend of fun, learning, and fellowship. A
planning committee creates a program, often with an invited leader, to provide mind-
body-soul connection and deepen our sense of community. Our Retreat strives to be
inclusive, and invites all women (cis, trans, femme, and gender non-conforming) and
women of all ages and abilities to join us! Newcomers are always welcomed. It’s a
great way to deepen Southminster friendships.
For many years we have gathered at the Tilikum Retreat Center near Newberg, Oregon,
located only an hour from Beaverton but with the feeling of a country get-a-way. The 90-
acre grounds are a combination of woods and farm, lake, and fields surrounding a
comfortable 50+ bed residence and dining hall. Accommodations are semi-private, 2-3
women per room, with bedding provided.
You can attend the entire weekend, or depending on attendance, a Saturday-only option may be
offered. Full and partial scholarships are readily available. We want you to come!

Here are some elements that typically comprise the weekend:
- Friday night dinner followed by a short opening program and icebreakers
- A Saturday morning planned program
- Saturday Night Live open mic where you can share your poem or story, song, skit, skills, etc.
- Music and singing
- A few organized group activities, all of which are optional. This is YOUR weekend!
- Tilikum “home-cooked meals,” beginning with the Friday dinner and including Sunday breakfast
- Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate 24 hours/day, and an abundant treats-sharing table provided by the participants
- Multiple outdoor and indoor spaces inviting you to read, journal, puzzle, craft, meditate, visit, or simply gaze at the beautiful surroundings
- Use of Tilikum’s woods, trails for walking/hiking
- Access to canoes on Tilikum Lake
- A ride on the legendary “Big Swing” in Tilikum’s Challenge Course

Click here for information about the 2025 Women’s Retreat
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