Southminster’s mission statement calls us to help others in need and to transmit our faith by living it. The Mission and Outreach Committee has a long tradition of identifying, promoting and acting to support numerous social and environmental causes. We act both locally and globally.
Recent Mission Updates
We were the recipients of a $1,000 grant from the Cascades Presbytery to address hunger in Washington County. Our Mission Committee matched that amount and distributed the funds to:
Meals on Wheels Beaverton: Help fund the delivery of meals to seniors. They have experienced an increase of 2,000 meals per day in the metro area due to COVID-19.
Vose Elementary: For grocery gift cards to augment the 40 food boxes they hand out each week.
Whitford Middle School: In partnership with Spirit of Grace Lutheran Church, for gift cards for food. Our joint donations will be matched by a PEER (Pandemic Emergency Economic Relief) Grant from the Lutheran Synod.
Adelante Mujeres: To increase food vouchers given to Latino families in need. Vouchers are good for purchases at all Washington County farmers markets. Also a win-win for local food vendors.
Watch this video from Presbytery to see how other congregations have used their grant funds to support their community.
Visit to learn about how this organization works with local families and has made their mission to “end homelessness — one family at a time.”
Rebuilding Together
Rebuilding Together is a National Charity which supports low-income homeowners with repairs. Each year we coordinate volunteers to participate in Rebuilding Day.
Bike there! Bus there! Rideshare! Alternative Transportation Sundays
Lift up the community, health, caring for God’s creation, and personal lifestyle commitments. Saving energy and carbon emissions is a huge benefit of this event. Just as important are fun and community-building.
Christmas Baskets
We also coordinate the donation of Christmas baskets and gifts – clothing, housewares, tools, equipment, and children’s toys for our nearby neighbors in need.
The Mission and Outreach Committee focuses our efforts on increasing awareness of important global concerns. It sponsors and recruits participation in activities that address these concerns.
The Environment
We are highly concerned about our effects on the environment at local and global levels. We have taken steps to make our church building more energy-efficient and we have examined our carbon footprints to assess how we are affecting creation. Learn more >>>
Annual Senior High Youth Mission Trip
With total church support, our high school youth seek to make a difference in the world by traveling to places such as Louisiana, San Fransisco, Alaska, and the Yakima Valley to assist, build and teach.
Presbyterian Coffee Project – “Small Farmers, Big Change”
Our congregation enjoys great coffee while helps small farmers build a better future for themselves and their families. Coffee farmers earn a fair price for their products, have access to affordable credit, and gain a long-term partner they can trust – a fair trade organization called Equal Exchange.
When regular in-person worship is happening, on the first Sunday of each month, a wide selection of packaged Equal Exchange coffee, teas, cocoa and chocolate is available for purchase.
Cuba Mission
Southminster has a relationship with the Placeta and Calabazara Presbyterian Churches in Cuba. This mission is an extension of our Presbytery of the Cascades’ partnership with the Cuban Presbytery to provide friendship, support, and a shared Christian ministry.
Ghost Ranch Scholarship
Southminster sponsors attendance at Ghost Ranch, a Presbyterian retreat center in New Mexico. Members are encouraged to enroll in seminars related to peace and justice.