Mission and Social Justice

Our Values

We believe that God loves everyone and that we are called to help others in need. We believe that we transmit our faith by living it. We seek to educate ourselves and work together with folks of many races, different faiths, and multiple sexual and gender identities, believing that this benefits the greater community.

How You Can Help

The Mission and Social Justice committee coordinates Southminster’s actions with community organizations to help people in need in our community. You can join with us to work with these community organizations. We have a significant budget for mission- join us to help determine how we use it. If you see a community project that you think we should be supporting, join us to help make that happen.

The Mission and Social Justice committee hosts an open meeting virtually on ZOOM on the first Thursday of each month at 11:30am. The link to the meeting is posted on the Southminster Website calendar.

For more information or specific questions, contact Co-Chair of the Mission and Social Justice Committee, Di Bennett by email: Db97215@gmail.com

Housing Security

We work with several community organizations to try to ease the crisis of homelessness in the Portland area:

Family Promise of Greater Washington County

Family Promise works to “end homelessness—one family at a time” by helping families recover from loss of housing. The organization provides temporary housing and wrap-around services to up to three Beaverton families for up to six months at a time. Southminster supports Family Promise with monetary donations that help families establish themselves in new housing and provides meals and grocery gift cards several times a year during “hosting” weeks.

Visit familypromisegwc.org to learn about this organization and its work.

How You Can Help

  • Donate funds during our Advent Community Giving
  • Provide meals and/or gift cards during our host weeks
  • Bring your empty and rinsed-out bottles and cans to the Petersen Gallery for the deposits

Aloha United Methodist Church Safe Rest Village

In February, 2024, Aloha United Methodist Church and Washington County’s Department of Housing Services opened a pod village on Aloha UMC’s property. Southminster supports Aloha UMC’s ministry to this community for unhoused individuals.

How You Can Help

You can provide funds, and help us to direct funds in support of this ministry.

Rebuilding Together

This national organization aids in helping low-income homeowners—primarily senior, disabled, or veteran homeowners—to remain in their homes. Each April we form a team to work on an improvement project.

Visit rebuildingtogether.org to learn more.

How You Can Help

Join our team on National Rebuilding Day, the fourth Saturday of each April, as we paint and help to renovate a home.

Home Plate Youth Services

Home Plate reaches out to unhoused youth in Beaverton, wherever they can find them. It provides a safe place, warm food, showers, education, and support for the youth.

Visit homeplateyouth.org to learn more.

How You Can Help

Join Southminster volunteers to help at their location in Beaverton.

Food Security

Southminster’s Community Garden

Several years ago, Southminster partnered with Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District (THPRD) to create a community garden on Southminster’s land. This enables several families to grow their own vegetables, and in return, some of those families donate food to local food pantries.

How You Can Help

To learn how to participate in any of the district’s community gardens, visit
THPRD’s Community Garden page.

Local Food Pantries

Southminster supports families in need with food donations to local schools, including Highland Middle School, and food pantries, including those at Holy Trinity Catholic Church and Care to Share.

Visit h-t.org/food-closet to learn more about Holy Trinity’s food pantry and
beavertonresourcecenter.org/food-pantry to learn more about the Care to Share food network.

How You Can Help

  • Bring non-perishable food items each week to the food barrel in the Petersen Gallery. The most needed items are dried beans, rice, and peanut butter.
  • Sign up to help deliver our collected food to the food pantries.

Emergency Community Support

Beaverton Resource Center

Beaverton Resource Center supports multiple basic needs to Beaverton residents, directing callers to emergency food, shelter, utilities, protection, legal services, ESL classes, and others.

Visit beavertonresourcecenter.org to learn more.

How You Can Help

Donate to Southminster’s dedicated fund in support of the Beaverton Resource Center.

Environmental Justice

We are highly concerned about our impact on the environment at local and global levels. We continue to take steps to minimize the carbon footprint of our building and activities. We are a certified Earth Care Congregation, and seek additional ways to respect the environment in our personal lives.

Visit southmin.org/environmental-stewardship for more information and to get involved.

How You Can Help

  • Watch the weekly Southminster News and Events for suggestions on how to help the local environment.
  • Join the Southminster Building and Grounds committee to see how you can make a difference on the church’s property.

International Justice and Peace

We strive to seek out ways to increase our awareness of important global concerns and to stand for justice. We actively support organizations with this goal in mind, including significant financial support to World Central Kitchen for their work in providing food in global crises.

How You Can Help

If you have interest in helping with an organization to further international peace and security, join the Mission and Social Justice Committee to help us further your interest.

Racial, Immigrant, and LGBTQ+ Justice

Refugee Care Collective

We are an affiliated congregation of the United States Refugee Resettlement Program, an organization which serves refugee families and youth who arrive locally.

Visit refugeecarecollective.org for other ways to assist these families.

How You Can Help

Join in Southminster’s periodically organized drives to provide items to settle refugee families.

Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice (IMIrJ)

This Oregon-based organization has a long history of support for and accompaniment of asylum seekers and newly-arrived immigrants. Southminster members have worked with IMIrJ, and have provided support individually and as a congregation.

How You Can Help

Visit imirj.org for more information and to get involved.

More Light Presbyterians

This non-profit organization is dedicated to advancing and ensuring the full participation of LGBTQIA+ community in the Presbyterian Church (USA). We are active supporters of this organization and seek opportunities for participation for all.

How You Can Help

Visit mlp.org for more information.

Interfaith Community

Southminster has long participated in interfaith activities, wanting to extend friendship and at times help our interfaith neighbors feel safe in our community. We have partnered with the Bilal Mosque in Aloha since 2000 and have hosted Ramadan iftars with the Islamic Center of Portland that faces Southminster across SW Denney Street.

Westside Interfaith Neighbors (WIN)

This multi-faith organization strives to increase understanding and cooperation among people of many faith communities. It meets every couple of months for a pot-luck and sub-groups get together for education, social interaction, and social action. Through WIN we have painted houses on National Rebuilding Day, volunteered at the Oregon Food Bank, and collected books for groups that need them, among other activities.

How You Can Help

Join us in our next WIN activities, and help organize potlucks with the Portland Islamic Center.

Foster Children

During Advent each year, Southminster provides gifts for foster children in Washington County through the Scotty Foundation.

Visit 4scotty.org to learn more about the Scotty Foundation.

How You Can Help

Help us during the annual Advent drive by organizing gift tags, buying gifts, and collecting them for delivery.

Other Ways to Get Involved

Southminster Youth Ministries

Southminster is pursuing other social justice initiatives through its youth ministries, including feeding people at Blanchet House in Portland, and summer mission trips.

See southmin.org/youth-ministries for more information.

Southminster Foundation

For more than 45 years, Southminster has supported local nonprofits through the Southminster Foundation.

Visit smp.foundation for more information.