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Congratulations to Southminster on our recertification as an Earth Care Congregation! There are now 6 in Oregon. We are deeply concerned about how our choices
We continue our environmental stewardship by doing simple things such as using less paper in our newsletters and order of worship, drinking coffee from reusable cups, using energy-efficient light bulbs, and participating in alternative transportation on Sundays. There are many things we can do at home, too. Rebalancing our diets to include more veggies, carbs, and fruits and less mammal meat is better for the environment and for our bodies. Thanks for your commitment to caring for God’s earth.

Return to this page periodically for resources on environmental stewardship and our commitment to eco-justice.
The Presbyterians for Earth Care Advent Daily Devotional is now available (and free!). Included are new daily advent devotions based on the Revised Common Lectionary texts from creation care perspectives. Two versions (a web-based and a printable booklet) are available on the PEC website here.
Bike there! Bus there! Rideshare! Alternative Transportation Sundays
Lift up the community, health, caring for God’s creation, and personal lifestyle commitments. Saving energy and carbon emissions is a huge benefit of this event. Just as important are fun and community-building.
Once Southminster returns to normal operations, we will reinstate our Alternative Transportation Sundays – we hope you will join us!
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