Annual Reports
It’s getting to be that time of year again when we start thinking about the New Year and with that is the Annual Congregational Meeting on January 31, 2016. For […]
Decorations Go UP… Decorations Must Come DOWN!
We will un-decorate the church on Sunday, January 3. Please plan on staying after church service that day to help. Remember… many hands make a light load. Thanks so much!
Christmas Joy Offering
The Tradition of Living for Others Racial Ethnic Schools & Colleges Doreen Kayla grew up in Kenya. Her childhood—unlike that of many of her classmates at Stillman College—wasn’t filled with […]
General Assembly and Meddling in Politics
Dear Friends, Portland is the host for the 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The Assembly will meet at the Convention Center from June 18-24, 2016. This […]
Summer Happenings
Dear Friends, I have a few things to share this month, enumerated thusly: 1) I am very excited to have the radio program up and running. I have recorded a […]
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