Author: Staff

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Connections


    Dear Friends, Like clockwork, Christmas comes around. “Peace on Earth” is a phrase uttered at Christmas. Christmas is the time to be happy and to celebrate. But it isn’t always […]

  • Holiday Office Hours

    The office will be closed December 24 – January 3.  Any remaining pledges for 2015 MUST be postmarked by December 31 in order to have credit for 2015.  Any bills […]

  • ROOF Update for December

    Before we can begin to replace our old flat roof sections, we have to re-do the Loft window wall upstairs.  The level of the new insulated roof will be higher […]

  • January 2016 Newsletter

    Due to the office being closed in between Christmas and New Year’s, the January newsletter will be coming out earlier.  The deadline for the January newsletter is Tuesday, December 8.  […]

  • Don’t Be Left Without a Song to Sing!

    THANK YOU EVERYONE! As of Monday, November 23, 139 Glory to God hymnals have been requested. We are ever closer to our goal of 175. We plan to place our […]