Our theme is storytelling and we are really excited about our invited speaker! The full retreat cost for 2 nights, 5 meals, and a great facilitated program is $175. Register for the full weekend by Feb 15th to receive $15 off the full retreat price. Pay in full with a check for $160 or provide a check for $50 for the first of three installments.
Installments would be due Feb 15th ($50), Mar 15th ($50), Apr 15th ($60 or remainder due – e.g. medical diet requests). Of course, if you want to pay the full retreat price, we won’t turn you away. If 25 women register by Feb. 15th for the full weekend, then we can offer the Saturday-only retreat option for women who cannot join us for the entire time.
We CANNOT offer a Saturday-only option unless we have 25 women register for the full weekend. Please sign up to be one of our core attendees, helping to make the retreat possible for a broader group of women. You can find the registration form here. Please contact Karen Wittenburg or Sue Kozak for more details.